Sunday, April 26, 2009

Catch Your Own Fish!

Nice, isn’t it? Maybe not as fancy as other places, but with a lot of crayfish. Reaching the place wasn’t easy, by the way, but if you want to get one of this guys without too mucho trouble, it’s best if you can reach a place where there is a little trouble involved. After all, most people will mind the bruises and itches you bet for getting into this kind of places.

Well, the point is that you can get local water creatures if you have a creek, lake, river or water nearby. Besides being a nice ride for a Sunday with the family, doing local fishing has a great advantage for your aquaponic adventures.

When you get local fauna, at least you know that the weather will not be a problem. Local critters are used to live in your own region, so you will not have a lot of trouble making a comfortable place for them. Trout is a very tasty fish but requires cold water. Unless you live in a cold place, you can only rear them on the winter.

Anyway, if you have a little time left, turn off the TV, get a couple of fishing nets and go fish something. After some bruises, insect bites and falling in the water (luckily, only once), you can get some fish that will grow healthy in your home. After all, living in the wild is, most of the time, a losing game for fish so they have a better chance with you.

In this case, I went to get some crayfish. These guys are fun to catch. You just need a fish net (I use two; makes it easier) and just watch closely. If you have a nearby creek like this one, a lot of crayfish should be living on the river banks, under the roots of plants or bunches of algae.

You can also use a trap, but these things have to be left in advance the night before. Of course you can always buy some on your local pet store, but where is the fun in that?

Anyway, having your aquaponic system is really easy and very cheap, if you are willing to do thing by yourself. Local fish can always be there to get you started, before you jump to more difficult (but tastier) creatures, so take advantage of that. Doing aquaponics is easy, just takes a little practice.

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